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Felix Chua

Chief Digital Transformation Officer | MVI Technologies

Felix previously served as the Head of Technology Operations at NETS, Singapore's largest payment operator. Drawing on his extensive experience at NETS and Citibank, as well as his proven track record in helping banks navigate technological roadblocks posed by legacy systems, Felix excels in facilitating seamless digital transformations. He adeptly tackles technical challenges such as: - Inflexible systems that struggle to adapt to new business requirements. - A shortage of programmers proficient in outdated programming languages, which are necessary to implement new functionalities in legacy systems. - High risks associated with enhancing and modifying legacy systems. - Elevated maintenance costs resulting from outdated and inefficient infrastructures.
Felix previously served as the Head of Technology Operations at NETS, Singapore's largest payment operator. Drawing on his extensive experience at NETS and Citibank, as well as his proven track record in helping banks navigate technological roadblocks posed by legacy systems, Felix excels in facilitating seamless digital transformations. He adeptly tackles technical challenges such as: - Inflexible systems that struggle to adapt to new business requirements. - A shortage of programmers proficient in outdated programming languages, which are necessary to implement new functionalities in legacy systems. - High risks associated with enhancing and modifying legacy systems. - Elevated maintenance costs resulting from outdated and inefficient infrastructures.
Workshop: Overcoming Legacy System Challenges to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Many companies struggle to accelerate their digital transformation due to inadequate technology to overcome the constraints caused by outdated legacy systems. They face inherited challenges such as, inflexible systems that cannot adapt to new business requirement, lack of programmers with the knowledge of outdated programming languages to implement new requirements in the legacy systems, concern with high risk of enhancing the legacy systems, and high maintenance cost. In this session, we'll dive into a wide range of solutions that help companies accelerate their digital transformation, using tools designed to be highly stable and resilient, and they have a proven track record of success.

Day 1


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