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Mehdi El Amine Fichtali

Founder and CEO | FinaMaze

Mehdi El Amine Fichtali is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of FinaMaze, the region’s AI-powered robo asset manager operating out of Abu Dhabi Global Market. With an impressive career of almost 20 years in the financial sector, Mehdi’s expertise roots back in the trading floors of London, Paris and Dubai, working with global powerhouses such as Morgan Stanley, Barclays Capital, and Credit Agricole Calyon (today’s CACIB). Combining practical executive experience with strong academic credentials, Mehdi has a Grande Ecole Master’s degree in Finance from HEC Paris and in International Relations from Sciences Po IEP Paris, solidified with an Executive Leadership Program at California’s Berkeley University. Mehdi was also a Visiting Scholar at Washington D.C.'s Georgetown University where he taught about ‘The Private Sector in the Arab World’. Just prior to founding FinaMaze, Mehdi spent scholarly time in the academic circles in California and DC and worked in different key positions such as Risk Management and Private Placement Director within the Dubai-based boutique investment bank deNovo, along with Morgan Stanley-alumni directors and CEO. Mehdi’s expertise is backed by combining the applied financial experience with academic research that led to founding FinaMaze in 2018 during his participation in Dubai’s 1776 incubator program. Joined by a stellar team of over ten Data Scientists, Quantitative Finance, Software and Design Engineers, Mehdi created a powerful AI servicing FinaMaze’s investors. Experienced moderator and speaker, leading several conferences in Boston (Harvard Arab Alumni Association), Tunis, New York, Paris, Casablanca and Dubai, Mehdi also spent 10 years as President of HEC Paris Alumni, GCC Chapter. Mehdi is available for: - Fintech comments - Speaking Opportunities - Interviews and Features
Mehdi El Amine Fichtali is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of FinaMaze, the region’s AI-powered robo asset manager operating out of Abu Dhabi Global Market. With an impressive career of almost 20 years in the financial sector, Mehdi’s expertise roots back in the trading floors of London, Paris and Dubai, working with global powerhouses such as Morgan Stanley, Barclays Capital, and Credit Agricole Calyon (today’s CACIB). Combining practical executive experience with strong academic credentials, Mehdi has a Grande Ecole Master’s degree in Finance from HEC Paris and in International Relations from Sciences Po IEP Paris, solidified with an Executive Leadership Program at California’s Berkeley University. Mehdi was also a Visiting Scholar at Washington D.C.'s Georgetown University where he taught about ‘The Private Sector in the Arab World’. Just prior to founding FinaMaze, Mehdi spent scholarly time in the academic circles in California and DC and worked in different key positions such as Risk Management and Private Placement Director within the Dubai-based boutique investment bank deNovo, along with Morgan Stanley-alumni directors and CEO. Mehdi’s expertise is backed by combining the applied financial experience with academic research that led to founding FinaMaze in 2018 during his participation in Dubai’s 1776 incubator program. Joined by a stellar team of over ten Data Scientists, Quantitative Finance, Software and Design Engineers, Mehdi created a powerful AI servicing FinaMaze’s investors. Experienced moderator and speaker, leading several conferences in Boston (Harvard Arab Alumni Association), Tunis, New York, Paris, Casablanca and Dubai, Mehdi also spent 10 years as President of HEC Paris Alumni, GCC Chapter. Mehdi is available for: - Fintech comments - Speaking Opportunities - Interviews and Features
Panel Discussion: Human Touch vs. Algorithmic Precision: The Future of Investment Management

The investment management landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences. This panel discussion brings together experts from traditional relationship-based investment management and cutting-edge robo-advisory services to explore the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Our panelists will discuss the current state of the industry, the benefits and challenges of human advisors versus robo-advisors, and what the future holds for investment management. We will investigate the potential opportunities that arise from using data analytics and AI to enhance wealth management and asset management practices, such as rebalancing strategies, sophisticated asset allocation and adapting to real-time market changes. We will also be investigating the opportunities presented to us through the uses of AI based hedging and CRM platforms for financial advisors, as well as the application of new technologies in aiding investment advisors with the tools to manage risk and make better informed decisions.

Day 1
Panel Discussion: Leveraging Ethical AI for Financial Innovation: From Personalized Banking to Advanced Solutions


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