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Prof Gianfranco Antonio Vento

Member of the Board of Directors | Cassa di Risparmio della Repubblica di San Marino

Gianfranco Antonio Vento was Chief Executive Officer of ‘Cassa di Risparmio della Repubblica di San Marino’ banking group (June 2020 – July 2023) and he is currently member of the Board of Directors of the bank. He was Full Professor of Banking and Finance at Regent’s University (London, UK) and he is now Chair of Banking and Finance at Guglielmo Marconi University (Rome, Italy). At Regent’s University London he used to be Director of the Centre for Applied Finance and Banking (2018 – 2020); between 2013 and 2017 he was also Director of the Centre for Banking and Finance and, previously, he was member of the Academic Senate. Since 2009 he is member of the scientific board of the Italian Agency for Microcredit (a government body created to foster microfinance in Italy) and member of the Academic Advisory Board of The Microfinance Association’ in the UK. Between 2002 and 2007 he was Financial Analyst in the Banking Supervision Department of the Bank of Italy. He was member of the Board of Directors and member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of several financial intermediaries in different jurisdictions. Professor Vento has almost twenty years of experience in conducting consultancies, training courses and research in banking, banking regulation, microfinance, sustainable finance and fintech.
Gianfranco Antonio Vento was Chief Executive Officer of ‘Cassa di Risparmio della Repubblica di San Marino’ banking group (June 2020 – July 2023) and he is currently member of the Board of Directors of the bank. He was Full Professor of Banking and Finance at Regent’s University (London, UK) and he is now Chair of Banking and Finance at Guglielmo Marconi University (Rome, Italy). At Regent’s University London he used to be Director of the Centre for Applied Finance and Banking (2018 – 2020); between 2013 and 2017 he was also Director of the Centre for Banking and Finance and, previously, he was member of the Academic Senate. Since 2009 he is member of the scientific board of the Italian Agency for Microcredit (a government body created to foster microfinance in Italy) and member of the Academic Advisory Board of The Microfinance Association’ in the UK. Between 2002 and 2007 he was Financial Analyst in the Banking Supervision Department of the Bank of Italy. He was member of the Board of Directors and member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of several financial intermediaries in different jurisdictions. Professor Vento has almost twenty years of experience in conducting consultancies, training courses and research in banking, banking regulation, microfinance, sustainable finance and fintech.
Keynote Presentation: Cross Border Payments: How Technology can Facilitate Correspondent Banking

Correspondent banking played a pivotal role in facilitating cross-border payments. However, in the last decade there is a decrease in the number of correspondent banks. This affects mainly emerging economies. New technologies can enhance the functioning of correspondent banking. Regulatory authorities have interesting projects in the pipeline.

Day 3


Financial Sector Development Program
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